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About Us

The Optical Foundation a non-for-profit organisation giving children in Ghana access to eye health care through education, research & comprehensive eye examinations.

Postal Address
Thorbeckeplantsoen 11
6224 CB
Maastricht, Netherlands

Donate Now

Every donation brings us closer to being able to make eye care accessible  to everyone in Ghana, especially children. Long-term sustainability of eye health care in Ghana is driven by education which is always included in our projects.

Why is your donation so vital?

Early detection and treatment of eye conditions could mean the difference between someone learning how to read and write or remaining illiterate their entire life.

While an education cannot overcome all social and economic problems, it is one of the best defenses against poverty.

Personal Info

In order to make an offline donation we ask to transfer your donation to the follow bank account:

Bank account details

Account name: The Optical Foundation
Account number: NL21RBRB0852201400
City: Maastricht
Country: The Netherlands



Donation Total: $10.00