New Board Member:
Young Hyun Kim.
We would like to introduce one of our newest board members Young Hyun Kim. Young Joined TOF in April 2022 and has been tirelessly working on TOF’s latest project, The Optical Foundation Community on MOMO board, details to be unveiled soon.
In his role of Vision Science and Lens Design Engineer at Alcon, Young is currently working on developing new contact lenses to improve vision care across the world. Young earned his PhD in Vision Science at the University of California, Berkeley.
Young’s interest in vision research was first sparked during his undergraduate studies when by chance he was presented with an opportunity to conduct contact-lens research. The interest soon transitioned into a passion as he interacted with optometrists and vision scientists and learned about the critical needs of vision care across the world.
Meeting Dr. Carolina Kunnen and finding out about The Optical Foundation’s vision and goals, Young was keen to get involved. He was over the moon when he was invited to join the board to help create a community where collaborations and optometric knowledge can be exchanged freely. In Young’s own words: “I believe that the opportunities The Optical Foundation provides to upcoming Ghanian optometrists and vision scientists will cultivate self-sustainable and superior vision care in Ghana …. and I am motivated to create such community where our future optometrists and vision scientists can network and find opportunities across the world.”